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Staffing update March 2024

Dear Parents,


I am writing to let you know that sadly we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Dillon at Easter. Mrs Dillon has taken the decision to continue her career away from the classroom and in school leadership and has accepted a job with the national education training provider, Ambition Institute. This is a decision that Mrs Dillon has come to over a long period of time and I know she has mixed feelings about leaving behind the very special work she does with us here in school. Mrs Dillon will be brilliant in the role she is going to be moving to - engaging in the very important work of training the next generation of teachers and leaders, but we are going to really miss her. I have sent out a communication to the parents of pupils in Y6 alongside this one, to explain the teaching arrangements for their children.


As part of our offer through the trust, we have access to significant school improvement support. This is one of the main advantages of working in a large trust and enables us to move things on strategically in school. Our current School Improvement Partner is Rachel Gallyot, whose experience is vast – including as a CEO of a trust and a number of headships. Our School Improvement Partner will be here every week on Friday to support the team.


The face to face contact for parents on a Friday will be Mrs Doberska until such time that we have recruited to Mrs Dillon’s role. Going forward, we are costing a range of senior leadership options which will be advertising for in due course. I am confident that in the meanwhile our journey of school improvement will not be negatively disrupted. I know you will also join me in wishing Mrs Dillon a very happy and successful future.


Many thanks Rebecca Richards Headteacher
