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Benjamin Class (Year 6)

Welcome to Benjamin Class!

Home Learning


In preparation for secondary school, Year 6 are likely to have more home learning than they have been used to previously. 


Home learning will be set every Friday and to be completed for the following Friday.  


Home Learning includes:

1) Reading (daily)  - Independent reading at home for 20 minutes per day, signed by parents in the reading diary.  This will be checked weekly.  

2) Spellings (weekly) - children will be given a set of spellings weekly to practice and will be tested on their understanding of a mixture of spellings from our Read Write Inc spelling lessons, year 5 and 6 common exception words and high frequency words every Friday. 
3) Times Tables Rockstars (daily) - children will be expected to complete 35 minutes per week (5 minutes per day) on Times Tables Rockstars to embed multiplication and division skills   

4) Maths / English / Grammar (weekly)  - children will be set an online maths task on maths.co.uk or an English/grammar task on SPAG.com  This will be reviewed by the class teacher online and used to support consolidation of a topic taught in school. 


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