Woodpecker (Year 3)
Welcome to Woodpecker Class!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The children are settling into Key Stage 2 extremely well and seem to be enjoying their learning in Year 3! This has been a tricky year but the children are showing just how resilient they are, and are coping really well with the changes, which is brilliant to see!
The children will bring home their Home Learning books each Friday. Please encourage your child to complete one piece of homework each week. They need to hand their homework in on a Thursday and I will hand it back to them the next day. The home learning tasks are in the front of their books, and are available to look at on our class page. They will also be bringing home some spellings to learn, which they will be tested on at the end of each week. It is really important for children to also have the opportunity to read at home, even if it is just for 10 minutes a day. Reading little and often can really help with all of their school work! This can be their reading book from school or any book at home.
We are encouraging the children to bring a water bottle into school as they do get thirsty throughout the day and drinking little and often can aid their concentration. We also don’t want to disturb KS1 and that is where the water fountain is.
For the foreseeable future, the children will need to wear their PE kits to school for PE with Onside on a Wednesday afternoon and Friday. Usually we would go swimming on a Friday but this is currently cancelled until further notice due to the current restrictions.
Due to the current guidelines, we are asking that children only need to bring their reading books, home learning books and packed lunch boxes into school. This means that they do not need to bring a rucksack and we would suggest they just bring a book bag. We will be providing all children with a pack containing writing pencils, a ruler, a whiteboard pen, and a rubber. We ask that parents provide their children with a standard set of colouring pencils (please do not feel you have to buy new ones – I expect most people have spares at home) and a named glue stick. For Key Stage 2 children please also provide a highlighter pen. We will provide a pack for them to put their equipment in and so they do not need a pencil case.
Children need to bring a coat into school, especially as it is starting to get colder.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to speak to me at the end of the school day.
Kind regards,
Miss Howell