Long Itchington

CofE Academy

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Class spotlight - Mrs Richards

This term it is my intention to put the spotlight on one class per week - sharing photos and news about that class to our whole school community. It is my hope that this will enable all families to see what is happening across our school rather than just in their own children's classrooms.

This week's 'Class Spotlight' is on Wren class. Wren class are a fabulous cohort who have lots of fun at school. The children themselves talk about their hard work in phonics and how much they enjoy playing with their friends when they are learning.

As they have started back after the Easter break, the children have been very busy looking for signs of spring; planting and growing and making Spring blossom tea in the water tray!

This morning some children are working with Mrs Dunkley making playdoh and this afternoon will see the whole class go down to the church for a visit with Y1.

It is always a busy environment full of vibrancy and new things to learn.
