Long Itchington

CofE Academy

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Reading Scheme

At Long Itchington C of E Academy, we believe that English has a special place at the centre of the curriculum of a primary school because language is the medium through which all our learning takes place, both inside and outside the classroom.  



In accordance with the National Curriculum, our aims for reading are that all children should:  

  •  develop positive attitudes towards books so that reading is a pleasurable activity.    

  • develop a range of reading strategies for approaching reading, using and applying phonological, contextual, grammatical and graphic knowledge.  

  • read a varied selection of texts whilst gaining an increased level of fluency and understanding.   

  • use reading as a means of gathering information to support their learning throughout the entire curriculum.   

  • have opportunities to discuss what they have read with adults and peers 


In Reception and Year 1, early reading skills are taught through daily phonic sessions and reading practice sessions three times a week.  These sessions are taught by a trained adult and the reading books are matched to their secure phonic knowledge.  This is all complemented by the daily sharing of fiction and non-fiction books to further develop a love of reading.   Further to this, once a week we have a shared DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) session where the older children read to the younger children which is very enjoyable for all children involved.  


In Year 2 and Key Stage 2, reading skills are developed through whole class reading sessions which allow all children, regardless of reading ability, to access age-related texts that the whole class can enjoy, explore and discuss. These are complemented by comprehension activities. Teachers plan questions based on the mnemonic VIPERS (Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain, Retrieve, Summarise) , a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading content domains found in the National Curriculum Test Framework documents. Over the course of these sessions, reading skills are modelled by the teacher, guided by the teacher and then the children practise the skills independently.  


Home Reading and Reading Records 


In Reception and Year 1, the children take home their Little Wandle guided reading book to read at home and these are closely matched to the phonic ability of the child.    


As children become more confident readers, they move to Project X (Year 2,3 and 4).  When ready, Year 5 and 6 move to choose from a selection of books for independent readers available in the school library. 


We encourage all pupils to read every night with their parent/guardian. 
