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Robin Class (Year 2)


 Welcome to Robin Class!



June 2021


Dear Parents,


What a fantastic term we are having! The children have worked extremely hard so far and should feel proud of themselves. 

Thank you for all of the support that you continue to show. 

I am looking forward to a fantastic final half term with Robin class and I hope the children are too.  


For details about the learning this term, please see the knowledge organisers for topic, art and science as well as a topic web for an overview of the other curriculum areas.

This term our topic will be the Environmental Investigators. In English we will be looking at non-chronological reports, traditional tales and poems. In science we will be learning about Plants and trees. 


Homework activities and spellings will be added to PurpleMash on a Friday to be completed by the following Thursday. The homework tasks set will range from activities linked to topics covered in our English and maths lessons as well as opportunities to complete projects linked to our termly topics. At home, it would also be beneficial for the children to be reading daily and practising counting up and down to at least 100 in steps of 2, 5 and 10 as well as practising their number bonds to 10 and to numbers lower than 1o. 


Want to practise your maths in a fun way? Try www.topmarks.co.uk - this website has lots of fun games that the class enjoy playing each year!


PE lessons are every Monday afternoon and Friday morning and children should come to school in their PE kits on these days. 


Thank you for your support.


Mrs. Doberska.


Maths Challenges

Curriculum Information

Online Safety Update

Year Two

  • Staying Safe Online

  • Follow the Digital Trail

In our online safety lessons this half term, Year Two focussed on understanding that being safe when they visit websites is similar to staying safe in real life. They learnt to recognise websites that are good for them to visit and that the information they put online leaves a digital footprint or “trail.”

Please take a look at the Family Tip sheet and Activity sheets that support the lessons covered in school.


Many thanks,


Mrs Lees and Miss Bagdadi

KS1tests 2017.mp4

Still image for this video